CHIRURGIE CONCLUSIONS: LSG by the posterior approach is a safe and effective procedure, enabling a tight sleeve formation leading to satisfactory %EWL results. Since long-term results of LSG are unknown, further studies are needed to define the exact place of the LSG as a standalone bariatric procedure. Cancer stem cells and their potential implications for the treatment of solid tumors. Grotenhuis BA, Wijnhoven BP, Van Lanschot JJ. J Surg Oncol.2012 Aug 1; 106(2): 209-15. Review. PMID: 22371125. BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: There is increasing evidence that a variety of human cancers is maintained by a subset of cells, cancer stem cells (CSCs), which sustain tumor growth, underlie its malignant behavior, and possibly initiate distant metastases. The aim of this review is to evaluate the current evidence for the existence of CSCs and the implications on the present management and treatment of solid tumors. METHODS: A retrospective review of the English-language literature (1997-2010) concerning CSCs and their therapeutic implications was performed. RESULTS: CSCs are characterized by two main properties of normal stem cells: Self-renewal and differentiation, which are best assayed by serial transplantation experiments in immunodeficient mice. Cell-surface antigens that mark cell populations enriched for CSCs have been identified in various solid tumors. As such, the very existence of CSCs has vast clinical implications with regard to cancer treatment. The development of tailor-made CSC-targeted therapies (including therapies directed at these CSC-specific surface markers, and reversal of the intrinsic resistance of CSCs to chemo- and radiotherapy) entails great promises. However, normal stem cell toxicity and treatment resistance have been recognized as serious problems. CONCLUSION: The growing evidence indicating that CSCs drive and maintain various types of solid human malignancies has important implications for the treatment of patients. However, over the years the development of CSC-targeted therapies has faced a number of potential hurdles, which must be considered carefully in order to maximize the chance that such therapies will be successful. Treatment outcome in breast cancer patients with ipsilateral supraclavicular lymph node metastasis at time of diagnosis: A review of the literature. Grotenhuis BA, Klem TMAL, Vrijland WW. Eur J. Surg Oncol. 2012 Dec 8. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 23232205. INTRODUCTION: In the revised 6th edition of the AJCC-TNM staging system for breast cancer, metastasis in ipsilateral supraclavicular lymph node(s) is considered as a locoregional disease and classified as N3c rather than M1 distant disease. The aim of this review was to search the recent literature in order to investigate whether the reported treatment outcome of patients with ipsilateral supraclavicular metastases in breast cancer patients justifies this revision. METHODS: A review of the recent English-language literature (January 2001-June 2012) concerning breast cancer with supraclavicular involvement was performed. RESULTS: A total number of six studies were included in the current review. All reported comparable data with regard to treatment outcome after multimodality treatment, despite considerable 15 WETENSCHAPPELIJK jaarverslag 2012 Pagina 14

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