CHIRURGIE detection of AL. In 50% of patients with AL, a Hartmann operation was needed. The incidence of AL was significantly higher in patients with pulmonary comorbidity (22.6% leakage), patients taking corticosteroids as longterm medication (50% leakage), and patients taking corticosteroids perioperatively (19% leakage). Perioperative corticosteroids were prescribed in 8% of patients for the prevention of postoperative pulmonary complications. CONCLUSIONS: We found a significantly increased incidence of AL in patients treated with long-term corticosteroids and perioperative corticosteroids for pulmonary comorbidity. Therefore, we recommend that in this patient category, anastomoses should be protected by a diverting stoma or a Hartmann procedure should be considered to avoid AL. Overige publicaties Preoperative Assessment of Tumor Location an Station-Specific Lymfh Node Status in Patients with Adenocarcinoma of the Gastroesophageal Junction. Grotenhuis BA, Wijnhoven BP, Poley JW, Hermans JJ, Biermann K, Spaander MC, Bruno MJ, Tilanus HW, Van Lanschot JJ. World J Surg. 2012 Sep 27. Epub ahead of print. Onderzoek “Onderarmgips bij distale fracturen van radius en ulna” een multicentrisch gerandomiseerd onderzoek bij kinderen. Colaris JW, Biter LU, Allema JH, Bloem RM, Van de Ven CP, De Vries MR, Kerver AJH, Reijman M, Verhaar J. Ned Tijdschr Geneesk.2012; 156:A5332. Voordrachten Onderarmgips in de behandeling van de fractura antebrachii. Een gerandomiseerde multicenter studie. Colaris JW, Allema JH, Biter LU, De Vries MR, Van der Ven CP, Bloem RM, Kerver AJH, Reijman M, Verhaar JAN. Veldhoven: NOV najaarsvergadering, 4-5 oktober 2012. Rotterdam Advanced Foot Ankle Trauma Course. Improving through Practice. Schepers T, Den Hartog D, Kleinrensink GJ, Kerver AJH, Reijman M, Verhaar JAN. Rotterdam: SkillsLab, Erasmus MC, 9 maart 2012. De nieuwe richtlijn behandeling polsfracturen. Kerver AJH, Klem TMAL. Rotterdam: Regionale Refereeravond Heelkunde, 16 april 2012. 20 WETENSCHAPPELIJK jaarverslag 2012 Pagina 19

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