DERMATOLOGIE Pubmed artikelen Granulomateuze secundaire syfilis, een zeldzame uiting van een polymorf ziektebeeld. Schrader AMR, Racz E, Noordhoek Hegt V, Van der Snoek EM, Van Praag MCG. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2012;156:A5130. PMID: 22894801. BACKGROUND: Due to a great diversity of clinical presentations secondary syphilis can mimic various skin diseases, which means that the diagnosis of this sexually transmitted condition can be missed. Occurrence of a granulomatous inflammatory reaction in secondary syphilis is rare and may be confused with other granulomatous dermatoses. CASE DESCRIPTION: We present a 37-year-old homosexual male with a granulomatous dermatitis due to secondary syphilis. The differential diagnosis based on clinical and histopathological findings was lengthy and the initial syphilitic serology results were negative, resulting in delayed diagnosis. After revision of the histopathology and repeated serological testing secondary syphilis could be diagnosed. CONCLUSION: Not only the clinical, but also the histopathological presentation of secondary syphilis is variable. To prevent transmission, treatment delay and complications, we recommend repeating syphilitic serology following negative results if there is clinical or histopathological suspicion of this disease, especially in patients displaying high-risk behaviour. Syphilis should be also excluded in granulomatous dermatoses with plasma cells. Lamotrigine hypersensitivity syndrome and spiking fever. Bakker CV, Noordhoek Hegt V, Van Praag MCG. Indian J Dermatol. 2012;57:504-505. PMID: 23248384. PMCID: PMC3519273. Free PMC Article. We report a case of a 26 year old woman with rash, lymphadenopathy, liver enzyme abnormalities and spiking fever. She was diagnosed with drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DHS) to lamotrigine. Spiking fever in relation to drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome has not earlier been described in adults. Spiking fever is an important symptom of the wide spectrum of disease presentation. The syndrome is commonly referred to as either Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS) or DHS. In accord with previous authors we see both syndromes as two ends of a spectrum, with a wide range of symptoms and presentations. Therefore we plea for unity in nomenclature. Overige artikelen Granulaire parakeratose. Racz E, Noordhoek Hegt V, Van Praag MCG. Ned tijdschr Dermatol Venereol 2012; 22: 606-607. 24 WETENSCHAPPELIJK jaarverslag 2012 Pagina 23

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