INTERNE GENEESKUNDE micro- and macrovascular complications in Type 2 diabetes in a primary care setting. The present cross-sectional study aims to confirm the association between skin autofluorescence and diabetic complications in patients with Type 2 diabetes in a multi-centre secondary care setting. METHODS: We analysed 563 subjects with Type 2 diabetes mellitus from five Dutch hospitals. RESULTS: Median age was 64 years, median duration of diabetes 13 years and median HbA(1c) 58 mmol/mol (7.5%). Sixty-one per cent of patients had microvascular complications (38% nephropathy, 36% retinopathy, 35% neuropathy) and 42% had macrovascular complications. Median UK Prospective Diabetes Study 10-year risk for coronary events was 19%. Median skin autofluorescence was elevated compared with age-matched healthy control subjects: 2.77 (interquartile range 2.39-3.28) vs. 2.46 (2.08-2.84) arbitrary units. Skin autofluorescence was particularly increased in patients with complications: no complications, median 2.56 (2.26-2.90); microvascular complications, 2.79 (2.38-3.29); macrovascular complications, 2.85 (2.41-3.41); both micro- and macrovascular complications, 2.96 (2.56-3.60) arbitrary units, P < 0.001. Logistic regression analysis showed that age, duration of diabetes, renal function, gender, atrial fibrillation and skin autofluorescence were independently associated with macrovascular complications. Multiple regression analysis identified age, smoking, renal function, macrovascular complications and the number of microvascular complications as the determinants of skin autofluorescence. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms that skin autofluorescence is increased in patients with Type 2 diabetes in a secondary care setting. Skin autofluorescence was associated with macrovascular complications in patients with diabetes and this association was independent of classical risk factors. Effects of metformin on the regulation of free fatty acids in insulin resistance: a double-blind, placebo controlled study. Castro Cabezas M, van Wijk JPH, Elte JWF, Klop B. J Nutr Metab 2012; doi: 10.1155/2012/394623. PMID 23094143. INTRODUCTION: Impaired free fatty acid (FFA) metabolism is closely linked to insulin resistance. Our aim was to evaluate plasma FFA changes in insulin resistance in a physiological situation after improvement of insulin sensitivity by metformin. Methods. A double-blind, placebo-controlled intervention with metformin was carried out in patients with insulin resistance. Nineteen patients were randomized to receive metformin 850 mg b.i.d. during 6 weeks or placebo. Participants underwent a mental stress test and an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) before and after treatment. Results. Fasting plasma glucose, FFA, and HOMA-IR tended to decrease after metformin, suggesting improved insulin sensitivity. FFA concentrations during the mental stress test showed a similar pattern after metformin, albeit lower at all time points, in contrast to the placebo group. The decrease in fasting plasma FFAs was positively associated to the decrease in HbA1c (r = 0.70; P = 0.03) and in fasting glucose (r = 0.74; P = 0.01). The suppression of plasma FFAs during OGTT did not change by metformin or placebo. Conclusion. Metformin in insulin resistance did not lead to improved FFA dynamics despite a trend of improved insulin sensitivity. Metformin most likely decreases plasma FFAs mainly by suppressing fasting FFA concentrations and not by suppression of acute stress-induced lipolysis. 36 WETENSCHAPPELIJK jaarverslag 2012 Pagina 35
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