INTERNE GENEESKUNDE Local and Systemic Cytokine profiles in Patients with CommunityAcquired Pneumonia. Paats MS. Rotterdam: Symposium “New insights into pulmonary infectious diseases”, 20 september 2012. Sunitinib associated pseudothrombocytopenia: not always what it seems. Schilders J, Albersen A, Porcelijn L, Zuetenhorst H, Njo T, Hamberg AP. Proceedings Annual Meeting Netherlands Association of Internal Medicine 2012, April 2012 Maastricht (The Netherlands), abstract 52 (oral presentation). Nefrotisch syndroom: het (eiwit)lek boven. Van der Zwaan HB, Aydin Z. Rotterdam: Regionale Nierbiopsie Avond, 14 juni 2012. Exploring interventions in the postprandial situation. Castro Cabezas M. Sydney: 3rd International Symposium on Chylomicrons in Disease, 23-24, March, 2012. Vitamin D improves arterial stiffness and decreases leukocyte activation postprandially. Klop B. Sydney, Australia; 3rd International Symposium on Chylomicrons in Disease, 23-24 March 2012. Lipids, immunity and atherocslerosis. Castro Cabezas M. Reus, Spain: 25th Congress of the Spanish Atherosclerosis Society, 6-8 June, 2012 Lipid, Immunity and Atherosclerosis: Old concepts and new perspectives. Keynote Lecture. Castro Cabezas M. Valencia, Spain: INCLIVA Seminar, 22 November 2012. Thrombotic microangiopathy following administration of docetaxel and zoledronic acid in a patient with castrate refractory prostate cancer. Van Oosten MJM, Schrama YC, Boeve ER, Hamberg AP. Rotterdam: SFG Wetenschapsdag 2012. Oncologie aan de plas. Van Zaanen HCT. Rotterdam: Hematologie- nascholing huisartsen, DOK 99, 10 oktober 2012. Association of skin autofluorescence with cardiovascular disease. Klop B, van de Geijn GJM, van der Meulen N, Birnie E, van Miltenburg A, Janssen JW, Njo TL, Castro Cabezas M. Oostvoorne: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Diabetes Onderzoek 2012. 43 WETENSCHAPPELIJK jaarverslag 2012 Pagina 42
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