KLINISCHE CHEMIE KCHL Hematoflow: what and how to report. Njo TL. Parijs: Scientific Advisory board Beckman Coulter: Hematoflow™ and Cytodiff™, 10-11 oktober 2012. Discrimination between bacterial and non-bacterial infections in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Van de Geijn GJM, Denker S, Van Waning VH, Koeleman JGM, Birnie E, Braunstahl GJ, Njo TL. Parijs: Scientific Advisory board Beckman Coulter: Hematoflow™ and Cytodiff™, 10-11 oktober 2012. Leuko-diff, integratie met flowcytometrie. Njo TL. Zwolle: Ned. Vereniging Cytometrie, 22 November 2012. Groot bloedverlies, acuut en massaal. Beunis MH, van Zaanen HCT, van Oossanen J. Rotterdam: Sint Franciscus Gasthuis, Wetenschappelijk café, 24 oktober 2012. Interferentie van (diverse) antilichamen in FT4-assays. Revet I. Rotterdam: Wetenschappelijke OOR-avond Klinische Chemie Regio Zuidwest, 29 maart 2012. Posters Interfering antibodies in thyroid immunoassays is platform dependent. Albersen A, Revet I, Boesten LSM, Janssen JW. Rotterdam: Wetenschapsdag Sint Franciscus Gasthuis, 13 april 2012. Interfering antibodies in thyroid immunoassays is platform dependent. Albersen A, Revet I, Boesten LSM, Janssen JW. Amersfoort: NVKC wetenschapsdag, 19 april 2012. Sunitinib Associated Thrombocytopenia: Not always what it seems. Albersen A, Porcelijn L, Schilders J, Zuetenhorst H, Njo TL, Hamberg P. Rotterdam: Wetenschapsdag Sint Franciscus Gasthuis, 13 april 2012. Sunitinib Associated Thrombocytopenia: Not always what it seems. Albersen A, Porcelijn L, Schilders J, Zuetenhorst H, Njo TL, Hamberg P. Amersfoort: NVKC wetenschapsdag, 19 april 2012. Sunitinib Associated Thrombocytopenia: Not always what it seems. Albersen A, Porcelijn L, Schilders J, Zuetenhorst H, Njo TL, Hamberg P. Frankrijk (Nice): International Symposium on Technological Innovations in Laboratory Hematology (ISLH), 22 mei 2012. 51 WETENSCHAPPELIJK jaarverslag 2012 Pagina 50

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