MDL esophageal adenocarcinoma during follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Barrett’s esophagus is incidentally diagnosed in untreated achalasia patients despite high LES pressures, but is more common after successful treatment, especially in the presence of hiatal herniation. Patients treated for achalasia should be considered for GERD treatment and surveillance of development of Barrett’s esophagus, in particular, when they have low LES pressures and a hiatal herniation. Voordrachten Oncologie aan de plas: coloncarcinoom. Leeuwenburgh I. Rotterdam: nascholing voor huisartsen, 10 okt 2012. Posters Phenotype of inflammatory bowel disease at diagnosis in the Netherlands: a population-based inception cohort study (the DELTA cohort). Nuij V, Zelinkova Z, Rijk M, Beukers R, Ouwendijk R, Quispel R, van Tilburg AJP, Tang T, Smalbraak H, Bruin K, Lindenburg F, Peyrin-Biroulet L, van der Woude CJ. Barcelona: 7e ECCO congres, 16-18 februari 2012. Microscopic severity is related to earlier surgery in newly diagnosed CD patients: results from the DELTA cohort. Nuij V, Looman C, Rijk M, Beukers R, Ouwendijk R, Quispel R, van Tilburg AJP, Tang T, Smalbraak H, Bruin K, Lindenburg F, Peyrin-Biroulet L, van der Woude CJ. Barcelona: 7e ECCO congres, 16-18 februari 2012. Colonoscopy performed by nurse endoscopists is associated with high patient satisfaction. van Putten PG, Massl R, Steyerberg EW, van Tilburg AJP, Lai J, de Ridder RJ, Brouwer JT, Verburg R, Alderliesten J, Schoon EJ, van Leerdam M, Kuipers EJ. San Diego: Digestive Disease Week, 19-22 mei 2012. Quality assessment of colonoscopies performed by nurse and physician endoscopists reveals high safety and good quality in nurse endoscopists. Massl R, van Putten PG, Steyerberg EW, van Tilburg AJP, Lai J, de Ridder RJ, Brouwer JT, Verburg R, Alderliesten J, Schoon EJ, Kuipers EJ, van Leerdam M. San Diego: Digestive Disease Week, 19-22 mei 2012. P53 Immunohistochemistry Differentiates Between Low-Grade Dysplasia and Regenerative Changes in Barrett’s Esophagus. Kastelein F, Spaander M, Biermann K, Steyerberg EW, Kalisvaart M, Walter L, Stoop H, Beukers R, Geldof H, ter Borg P, ter Borg F, Felt-Bersma RJ, van Tilburg AJP, Tan G, den Hartog G, Peters FT, Engels LG, Kolkman JJ, Kuipers EJ, Bruno MJ. San Diego: Digestive Disease Week, 19-22 mei 2012. Cursief: werkzaam in het Sint Franciscus Gasthuis 67 WETENSCHAPPELIJK jaarverslag 2012 Pagina 66

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