REUMATOLOGIE Abstracts Early glucocorticosteroid response predicts the eff ect of DMARDS after 3 months of therapy. huisman AM, de Jong PHP, Quax R, Gerards A, Feelders R, de Sonnaville P, Luime J, Weel A, Hazes J. EULAR 2012 abstract. Radiographic joint damage as a predictor of short-term clinical outcome of totale knee replacement surgery. huisman AM, de Boer TN, Welsing PM, Polak AA, Noord-van der Laan WH, Mastbergen SC, Labeber FP. EULAR 2012 abstract. Poster Comparison between complement component 3 (C3) and apolipoprotein B as markers for the metabolic syndrome in subjects using statins. Van Breukelen-van der Stoep DF, Klop B, Elte JWF, Njo TL, Janssen H, Birnie E, Castro Cabezas M. Sydney: International Society Atherosclerosis, 27 maart 2012. Franciscus Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cardiovascular Intervention Study – opzet en rationale. Van Breukelen-van der Stoep DF, Casteren-Messidoro C, huisman AM, van Zeben D, Klop B, Verwer N, Van de Geijn GJM, Njo TL, Janssen JW, Birnie E, Bakker R, Castro Cabezas M. Rotterdam: Wetenschapsdag Sint Franciscus Gasthuis, 13 april 2012. 87 Cursief: werkzaam in het Sint Franciscus Gasthuis WETENSCHAPPELIJK jaarverslag 2012 Pagina 86
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