SPOEDEISENDE HULP (SEH) Voordrachten A Dissolved Vertebra. Van den Hengel LC, Bayliss A, van der Velden JJIM, Varin DSE. Egmond aan Zee: Sixth Dutch North Sea Emergency Medicine Conference, 31 mei- 1 juni 2012. Ultrasound in the ED, the FAST was only the beginning… Boeije T; Azizi N; Bijvoet M, van Overbeeke P, Rietveld V, Rosendaal A. Egmond aan Zee: Sixth Dutch North Sea Emergency Medicine Conference, 30 mei 2012. (Pre-conference workshop gedurende de gehele dag op 30 mei 2012.) The FASTer you begin, the better! Boeije T, Azizi N, Bijvoet M, van Overbeeke P, Rietveld V, Rosendaal A. Egmond aan Zee: Sixth Dutch North Sea Emergency Medicine Conference, 31 mei-1 juni 2012. (Drie workshops op donderdag 31 mei 2012 en vrijdag 1 juni 2012.) Is discharge of minimally injured, trauma patients after primary and secondary survey, justified? Brown AV, Grimminck B, De Ridder V. Egmond aan zee: NVSHA 6th Dutch North Sea Emergency Medicine Conference, 31 mei 2012 Is discharge of minimally injured, trauma patients after primary and secondary survey, justified? Brown AV, Grimminck B, De Ridder V. Rotterdam: Sint Franciscus Gasthuis, Wetenschapsdag, 12 april 2012. Dood door broodje Döner? Een harttamponade door harttumor. Sukul P, De Ridder VA. Egmond aan Zee: NVSHA, 30 mei – 1 juni 2012. Posters Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome secondary to a post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis in an otherwise healthy child. Grimminck B, Brown AV. Egmond aan Zee: NVSHA 6th Dutch North Sea Emergency Medicine Conference, 31 mei 2012 Poppers intoxication on an emergency ward: With methemoglobinemia as a result. Brown AV, Grimminck B. Egmond aan Zee: NVSHA 6th Dutch North Sea Emergency Medicine Conference, 31 mei 2012. 89 WETENSCHAPPELIJK jaarverslag 2012 Pagina 88
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