UROLOGIE switching to deferred treatment were the number of positive cores (two cores compared with one core) and PSA density. The disease-specific survival rate was 100%. Follow-up was too short to draw definitive conclusions about the safety of AS. CONCLUSIONS: Our short-term data support AS as a feasible strategy to reduce overtreatment. Clinical characteristics and PSA kinetics during follow-up can be used for risk stratification. Strict monitoring is even more essential in men with high-risk features to enable timely recognition of potentially aggressive disease and offer curative intervention. Limitations of using surrogate end points and markers in AS should be recognized. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The current program is registered at the Dutch Trial Register with ID NTR1718. Voordrachten Organisatie prostaatkankercentra. Rietbergen JBW. Rotterdam: Sint Franciscus Gasthuis, Nascholing voor huisartsen, januari 2012. Organisatie prostaatkankercentra. Rietbergen JBW. Rotterdam: Sint Franciscus Gasthuis, Wetenschappelijk Café, 1 februari 2012. Laparoscopische partiële nefrectomie, stand van zaken. Rietbergen JBW. Arnhem: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Endoscopische Chirurgie, 12 maart 2012. Training in Urology; wat gaat er gebeuren in 2012. Rietbergen JBW, Schout B. Den Bosch: Regionale refereeravond urologen, 15 mei 2012. Anatomie in de laparoscopie. Rietbergen JBW. Elancourt: Cursus laparoscopie AIOS, 18 juni 2012. Opereren op een proefdier. Rietbergen JBW. Elancourt: Cursus laparoscopie AIOS, 19 juni 2012. Transrectale echogeleide prostaatbiopten. Rietbergen JBW. Eindhoven: Echocursus voor AIOS,22 en 23 november 2012. Acute urologie. Rietbergen JBW. Eindhoven: Upfront cursus urologie voor AIOS, 21 december 2012. 93 WETENSCHAPPELIJK jaarverslag 2012 Pagina 92

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