Kaleidoscope, Summer 2014 Keep pace with color development in real time Mixit Pro enhanced with new service and PDI formulations – easy to find and visualized digitally The number of car colors continues to rapidly expand, with many variants of each new formula – resulting from the variety models painted and the production locations. This means finding the right variant can be a real challenge. So access to advanced digital color tools and the latest color formulations is essential. This is why Sikkens has enhanced its Sikkens Color Manager software ‘Mixit Pro’, to ensure our customers can keep pace with the growing color base, fast and easily. devices like our spectrophotometer Automatchic,” Ben Zweers, Director Color A&AC reminds us. “This long-term experience is the foundation for our expertise in digital color identification.” “To meet the color matching needs,” he continues, “We recently introduced two new digital tools. Color on Display (CoD), which gives you a digital representation of standard and variant colors, and Color Variant Descriptor (CVD), which increases the precision by assessing new variants according to lightness, saturation, color direction and texture in both the face and the flop.” More formulations for easy matching Working tirelessly, our AkzoNobel color laboratories around the world, have now expanded the color database with over 700 new service and PDI (pre-delivery inspection) formulations. Service formulas are developed by our Color Specialist at bodyshops to reflect the latest market needs. This will increase the hit rate for bodyshops in the color process. And, as new colors and variants emerge, the color palette will be kept up to date with monthly internet updates. All designed to ensure the process is fast, easy and accurate. Plus it helps you avoid costly rework, as well as disappointed customers. Digital tools for spot on color While rapid access to formulas is essential, we must not forget that it needs to be supported with color matching tools that will quickly identify the correct color and variant. “We were first in the market with digital color measuring “We are continuing to invest in digital color matching technology and the latest formulations as color confidence is our business.” Sikkens - Color and Technology 23 Pagina 22
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