Autoclear 2.0: the talk of the industry Technicians on the front line During extensive European trials of Autoclear 2.0, in which more than 1,600 repairs were monitored, we gathered feedback from many customers and AkzoNobel technicians, supporting the first bodyshops. Customers ranked its sprayability, drying speed, through-hardening, appearance and polishability as being most impressive. Technicians were very keen to get their hands on the product – and confirmed that it exceeded their customer’s expectations. Above all, they loved its ease of use. Kjell Bjørndalen (Norway), one of many who described it as easy to use, also noted: “And this is true both for experienced painters and for new painters.” He added: “Bodyshops really need a fast clearcoat, to get the jobs done, so they have been waiting for a product like Autoclear 2.0.” Bert Keizer (The Netherlands) focused on the impressive through hardening of the product saying, “Autoclear 20 is both very clear and extremely hard after a really short drying time. Like me, my customers were impressed by the speed of the through hardening even when the refinished part is still warm. This makes an invaluable contribution to process speed and improves the end result.” Customers speaking to Mick Finch (UK) liked the simplicity of the product assortment: “There is a standard approach with just a clearcoat, hardener and reducers. Simple. Customers were also impressed with the throughput, as we reduced the bake cycle by approximately 10 minutes at the trial sites,” he confirmed. The final word goes to Michael Burgess (UK), who spoke for many when he said: “I did wonder how they could improve on the current clearcoat, as Superior was already the market leader. I knew this would be a tall order.” Asked later about customers’ reactions, he said: “There has been positive feedback right from the first trials and every subsequent trial has been the same. He concluded: “It is so easy to use, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating and as soon as customers try it they love it.” These points were reinforced by Fernando Jiménez and Óscar González (Spain) who summed up Autoclear 2.0 in a few words, “It combines spraying confidence with excellent drying and polishing properties.” 28 Sikkens - Color and Technology Pagina 27

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