Top 10 retail sales in Fruit & Vegetables in Norway: 1. Potatoes 2. Tomatoes 3 Berries list. There is a lot of cross shopping within this category. As Coop, we see an opportunity in berries as an impulse product. If consumers are not tempted enough in the Fruit & Vegetable department, you can seduce them for example in the dairy section to add berries to their yoghurt. Also at the cashier, berries could be offered instead of chocolate or gum, as a snack to go.” How do you promote berries outside of the local season? “Within our stores, we are now thinking of a way to represent berries even better during the winter. We like to promote them as a healthy product. People are making New Year’s resolutions in January to be a better person, train more and eat better. Particularly blueberries and raspberries have a lot of antioxidants and vitamins that will help you feel fit. Also with Valentine’s Day, we promote our strawberries even more. Everybody wants to surprise each other with their own romantic strawberry story in that period of time.” What do you like about berries as a consumer? “If I think about berries, I think about my daughter who is fifteen years old. She eats berries for breakfast, lunch and dinner and totally loves them. For me it is really the health part that makes me eat them. Berries are good for you, you can bring them with you or can have them as a quick snack from the fridge. My personal favourite is, without a doubt, the raspberry.” What is your vision on the future of the berry category? “I believe the berry category is still going to increase. I have a lot of trust in blackberries and I am sure the blackberry turnover is going to double in a few years. Personally, I want to take the berry category to the next level. My goal is to get berries even higher in the top 3 of retail sales within the Fresh Produce category in Norway by 2015.” Coop Norge – Bio • Founded in 1906 by NKL (Norges Kooperative Landsforening) • Currently owned by 117 local cooperatives with 1.3 million members • Market share of 21,4 % in Norway • Headquarters situated in Oslo • Operating with 5 banners: Coop Mega, Coop Extra, Coop Obs!, Coop Prix and Coop Marked • 5 distribution centers in Norway 4 Pagina 4
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