10 1 2 3 6 CONNECT #2 JULY 2013 HIGHLIGHTS 2012 In 2012 SNV touched the lives of more than 11 million people around the world. From boosting incomes to building markets, these are just a few of the achievements we’re proud of. 4 10 Tens of thousands of refugees fled the conflict in Mali in 2012, with many of them crossing the border into neighbouring Niger in search of safety. This huge influx of people threatens local forests and vegetation as they seek to meet their daily energy needs – especially for cooking. The solution? Improved cook stoves. In collaboration with the French Embassy in Niger, SNV has facilitated the production and distribution of locally produced, fuel efficient stoves to over 14,000 displaced families – saving more than two tonnes of wood per day and creating new livelihoods for 89 newly trained local and refugee blacksmiths. In Rwanda coffee is the lifeblood of many communities. But variable quality and low prices means many farmers still struggle to get a fair price for their product. SNV advisors are working with cooperatives representing over 69,000 coffee producers to increase production, quality, and support them in gaining Fair Trade certification. The proof that it works? In 2012 the SNV-supported Kabakanya cooperative won the prestigious Cup of Excellence competition for the third year running – bringing its members prices up to five times higher than those generally paid by major processors. Around Asia, SNV has been helping break down gender barriers, training women as specialised masons – a first in many communities. With training in latrine construction and sanitation marketing, the women are helping make toilets a top priority in their communities – and in the process contributing to the more than 400,000 people in rural Nepal, Bhutan, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia who have gained access to improved sanitation and hygiene through SNV’s Sustainable Sanitation & Hygiene for All programme. 4 Waste not want not is the name of the game in Honduras, where a polluting by-product of coffee production is being transformed into clean energy (biogas) and organic fertiliser (bioslurry). Using SNV-supported biodigesters, the COCAFELOL cooperative is safely processing the highly acidic waste water from coffee washing – reducing its environmental impact, while using biogas to power production and bioslurry to fertilise its crops. 5 After almost 20 years working in the Balkans, in 2012 SNV decided it was time to hand on our successful programmes in forestry and rural development to new local capacity building organisation Connecting Natural Values and People (CNVP). One year in, CNVP is fully operational, externally funded, and working to improve the Balkan forests and the livelihoods of the people who live in them – a true home-grown success story! 6 The Vietnam Biogas Programme won its third international award in 2012, taking home the Humanitarian Award at the World Energy forum in Dubai. A partnership between SNV and the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Pagina 5

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