“Our new goal should be to completely eliminate extreme poverty in the next generation.” cut the number of people living in extreme poverty by half, well before the target year of 2015. We are still falling short of our target in certain areas, like maternal mortality, but here too significant progress has been made. There is no doubt that aid has contributed to this success. But the work is not done. Even now, 700 to 800 million people are living on $1.25 a day or less. Our new goal should be to completely eliminate extreme poverty in the next generation. Dutch policy has itself seen a fundamental shift in recent months, as outlined in your ‘Global Dividends’ policy document. Can you explain to us a little about the rationale behind this policy shift, and in particular the concept of enlightened self-interest as a driver of development policy? Things have changed. We are facing a world of new global power relationships, different poverty patterns and increased international interdependence. Six out of the ten fastest growing economies are African. A large majority of poor people now live in middle-income countries. Often we are the beggars and they are the choosers. These changes call for a reassessment of the position and role of the Netherlands in both trade and aid. I strongly believe that it is the synergy between the two that offers an effective new partnership with developing countries. A partnership based on both solidarity and enlightened self-interest. Aid can serve as a catalyst for much greater sustainable private investment in developing countries that provides jobs, knowledge and lasting progress. Of course, a country like South Sudan still has a very long way to go before the transition from aid to trade can be made. But in most countries that shift is already taking place at a rapid pace. > JULY 2013 CONNECT #2 9 Pagina 8

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