Kaleidoscope, Summer 2014 Through attending courses at our training centers (ATCs) customers relish the opportunity to ‘play’ with products and see what happens when products are used in different ways. In the training, possible mistakes they make - or even should make on purpose - give them a great learning experience. It gives them the confidence to get the very best results from the products, setting them apart from their competition. Our training draws not only on expertise from AkzoNobel, but also from other parties, like non-paint suppliers, bodywork experts and specialists in areas such as hail repair, and we provide an integrated approach wherever necessary. For instance, when discussing Rapid Repair we are concerned with much more than the technical competence of the bodyshop, as its success depends not only on the choice of a suitable product system but on efficient processes, supporting equipment and commercial considerations. Smart estimates, sales of additional repair services and self-marketing can all increase productivity and profits in this area. Kaleidoscope: What do your efforts achieve for the bodyshop owner? George Sneddon, Technical Manager, North Europe: As well as continuously developing painters’ skills to deliver top quality, we explicitly train them to save time, materials, energy and therefore money. In particular we focus on how parameters can be fine-tuned to cut process times and repair sizes, reduce material and energy costs, prevent failures and, as a result, avoid the need for timeconsuming and wasteful reworking. This is crucial to the future-proofing of bodyshop businesses, which are often under extreme pressure from labor costs on one hand and the need for premiumquality results on the other. To generate the necessary throughput and profitability to allow investment in future growth and success, bodyshops must not only meet their customers’ needs but maximize their own structural and operational efficiency. Our continuous training, as in sport, also builds confidence – and that leads to speed, precision and high performance levels. Kaleidoscope: Can you explain how this translates into your training courses? Giuseppe Tolomei, Regional Technical Manager, Iberia, Italy, France: We teach the importance of taking care at every stage in the complete repair process, particularly when it comes to preparation. Mistakes can be very expensive if the whole job has to be reworked. Choosing the right repair system is another very important factor. We can show painters some excellent products which will reduce the cost of the whole job. Kaleidoscope: What support do you give on color, which is such a key factor, especially in relation to new color trends and extraordinary effects? Kurt Therkelsen, National Sales and Technical Manager, Nordics: Our coaching ensures effective and efficient color processes, taking into account a wide variety of Sikkens - Services 39 Pagina 38

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