Kaleidoscope, Summer 2014 Step 4 Facebook: an opportunity and a challenge Facebook is one of the most popular platforms for contacting target Audiences. It allows you to enter a dialogue with your Audience at any time, directly and without detouring via print media. For this to work, however, potential customers must first be made aware of the page. Compared to the mandatory elements, your Facebook presence requires an extra dose of creativity and commitment. The 7 golden rules will help to get things under way. Step 5 Newsletters: your regular updates This is another online tool that requires relatively little effort or budget. You can use it to provide service-oriented information on industry developments and bodyshop news. Typical contents include seasonal tips, maintenance date reminders, special promotions and lotteries. Ideally you should send out at least four issues per year. In addition to your existing customer list, you can obtain addresses via a registration form in your reception area and collect them at events and open days. Step 6 Professional help: ask an agency If all this sounds like too much work, you can seek support from a PR agency whose communications professionals will be able to evaluate and deliver the content and Step 7 PR: press and public relations You can also look at increasing your profile by emailing articles to your local media or hiring a PR agency to prepare and distribute them for you. Your stories can be used to promote your company, but they will not be published if they sound like advertisements. Each story needs a ‘hook’ and a message of genuine interest to editors and the public. Stories published online can be linked to your website or your Facebook page giving you the opportunity to connect with new customers. Example topics might include: hiring a female trainee in a male-dominated profession; celebrating a staff member’s long service or achievements; unusual staff hobbies; company anniversaries and open days; and innovative products and techniques. You can also gain excellent PR by involving your bodyshop in supporting local organizations. These are just a few ideas to get your business thinking about what steps you can take to move your online customer engagement to a new level. 7 golden rules to optimize Facebook presence 1. Check your customer database. Is it big enough and are the customers young enough to build a thriving Facebook community? 2. Tell good customers, friends and business partners about your site and seek their comments on it before going live. 3. Run your business well, so satisfied employees and customers will publicly praise it. 4. Determine in advance what social media knowledge and skills are available within your company and decide who should be allowed to create each kind of post. 5. Make your writing understandable. Answer the most important questions on a topic first and be clear and concise. 6. Ensure that your presence fits the company. It should be honest, sincere and authentic, while communicating your competitive advantage. 7. Check that your website homepage and Facebook page match visually. activities best suited to your business. Other time-saving options include newsletter template software and easy mailing tools. Once your Facebook presence is established, you need to think about how and what to communicate with followers. One possibility is to initiate surveys, which will help in identifying topics of interest. For example, you could ask people to tell you about their most scenic summer car tours, and invite them to post their experiences and pictures. Facebook is also ideal for sharing open day photos or videos, and for introducing your team – but always ask permission from the people shown before publishing. You can create a lot of content yourself and you can also add interest by sharing links from the Facebook pages of large manufacturers. Operating a Facebook page is free, but creating regular posts, inventing imaginative actions and reviewing opinions will cost time and effort. Bear in mind that customers will express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction through Facebook, so you will have to respond to any criticisms objectively and factually. Sikkens - Kaleidoscope 43 Pagina 42

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