Summary Eindhoven365 runs a city marketing strategy to provide direction for the development of the city and the activities that are unfolded, establishing Eindhoven as a creative city of innovation and the nucleus of an energetic region. Eindhoven365’s task is to raise the profile and market Eindhoven internally and externally. In other words, increasing Eindhoven’s fame nationally and internationally. City marketing Our joint objective for 2020 is to have acquired a top-10 position among the world’s most innovative regions and to be in the top 3 in Europe. The efforts in the area of city marketing are to contribute to the achievement of this bold ambition. This will demand decisiveness with regard to target groups, positioning and activities. Because he who chooses, gets chosen. Eindhoven is in flux. Traditionally a city rich with industry. Today a boundary-pushing and inventive region, where technology, design and knowledge (TDK for short) are consciously deployed. These three elements are embodied in Eindhoven and have both a direct and an indirect magnetic attraction for drawing talent, students, start-ups, entrepreneurs and internationals to Eindhoven. This is the reason why the strategy, organisation and communication for Eindhoven365 are based on these three brand themes. Brand development Almost all the cities around the world employ two or more logos. Eindhoven is a sharp city with focus. Above all, the maintenance of two brands is both complex and expensive. Which is why Eindhoven has opted for one city, one identity, one attitude, one future. In consultation with our municipal clients and the municipality of Eindhoven’s communication department, Eindhoven365 has initiated a process to develop a dynamic brand. For both city marketing and the municipal house style. 110 EHV365 2013 Pagina 107
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